100 Practical English Phrasal Verbs
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100 Practical English Phrasal Verbs is the first book in the acclaimed Practical English series.
Phrasal verbs are an essential part of English communication. With 100 Practical English Phrasal Verbs, you will learn how to use common phrasal verbs such as "put off," "get up," "take care of," "look forward to," "pick up" and more. Best of all, you will see them in multiple contexts, and in common sentences.
This practical English reference guide includes:
•100 high-frequency phrasal verbs
•A detailed overview of phrasal verb types
•Multiple definitions and the most current usages
•Common sentences and clear explanations
•Over 900 examples
•20 lessons of context-based learning
•A gradual increase in difficulty
•An easy-to-use index
•Real language, real progress!
Written by Alex Makar, most known for his free English video lessons on engvid.com, this handy reference guide was crafted with English students and teachers in mind. It is ideal for self-study or classroom study.
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Finally, if you enjoy this book, you might also enjoy book 2 in the Practical English series, 200 Practical English Idioms.