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"Used to" Conversation Questions (100+ Questions; Includes Pictures)

Updated: 5 days ago

This page is intended to be a resource for English learners and teachers. You can practice answering these "used to" discussion questions by yourself or with a partner. You can also write the answers in a notebook, in a digital document, or in the comments section below. To help learners feel more confident and to develop grammatical accuracy, the warm-up questions have some suggested answer beginnings, which makes them ideal for students who are learning "used to" for the first time. For more challenging questions, move on to the "Let's go!" section.

Recommended levels: Intermediate and Upper Intermediate.

Grammar Note: "Used to" is only used for talking about the past. You use "used to" to discuss things which were true in the past but which are not the case now. ("People used to believe that the Sun revolved around the Earth.") You also use it to discuss past actions or situations that continued for a period of time. ("I used to go the movie theatre every weekend in my mid-teens.") You can use "used to" with dynamic and with stative verbs. ("We used to have a dog.") Basically, if it was true or repeated in the past, you can use "used to."

Please note that this resource only discusses "used to," not "be used to" or "get used to." To learn more about the differences between these three phrases, go here. This resource also does not discuss the use of "would" for past repeated behaviours, although teachers are more than welcome to use some of the sections on this page to practice this usage as well.


What time did you use to wake up for school when you were a kid?

When I was a kid, I used to wake up at...

What time did you use to go to bed when you were a kid?

When I was a kid, I used to go to bed at...

How did you use to get to school?

I used to get to school by [bus / car].

I used to [drive / take the bus / walk] to school.

Which cartoons did you use to watch?

I used to watch...

Where did you use to live?

I used to live in...

I've never moved. I've always lived in...

What is an activity that you used to love?

I used to love [activity or verb+ing].

What is a food that you didn't use to like, but which you like now?

I didn't use to like _____, but I like it now.

Did you use to have any pets when you were younger?

Yes. I used to have a/an...

No. I didn't have any pets when I was younger.

Who did you use to talk to a lot?

I used to talk to _____ a lot.

What kind of music did you use to listen to?

I used to listen to...

I didn't listen to music.

Let's go!

Remember: A question doesn't have to use "used to" in order for you to answer with used to. For example, a person can ask, "Have you ever had any pets?" and you can answer with "Yeah. I used to have two cats." For the purpose of this exercise, try to use "used to" or "didn't use to" as much as possible in your answers.

What's a food that you loved when you were a kid?

Hint: I used to love...

Did you use to eat a lot of sweets or salty snacks when you were a kid? Did you use to have a favourite snack?

What games did you use to play with your friends?

Did you use to play video games when you were a kid? Which ones? (console or mobile)

Who's someone that you used to visit often?

How did you use to spend your weekends when you were younger?

What kind of bike did you use to have?

What kind of car did your family use to have?

What kinds of phones have you had in your life?

Hint: I used to have a/an...

Did you use to spend more time outside than you do now?

How has your personality changed since you were a kid?

Hint: I used to be (more/less)...

What kinds of hairstyles have you had in your life?

Hint: When I was _____, I used to have _____ hair.

How did you dress in the past?

Hint: I used to wear... / I used to like wearing...

What is something that you used to think or believe, but that you don't think or believe now?

Think about your hometown. How has it changed? Which businesses used to exist which don't exist now?

Hint: There used to be... / We used to have...

Did you use to receive an allowance from your parents? (allowance = a regular sum of money)

What is something that your mom or dad used to ask you to do?

What is something that you used to hate doing?

Did you use to read more than you do now? What kinds of books did you use to read?

What is an online account that you used to have, but which you don't have or use now?

Picture Practice

This is Kim. She is thinking about her past. What did she use to do? What did she use to love? What did she use to have?

Kim used to practice exercise.
What did she used to do, have, or love in the past?

Let's Keep Going!

Did you use to get a lot of homework in school?

What did you use to eat for breakfast when you were a kid?

What kinds of toys did you use to have?

Who or what used to be popular, but isn't that popular anymore?

Do you travel more now than you did in the past?

Hint: I used to travel [more / less]... / I didn't use to travel...

Who did you use to look up to when you were younger? (look up to = admire and respect; see someone as a role model)

Which athletes did you use to like watching when you were younger?

Do you think life used to be less complicated in the past? Why or why not?

Do you think people were different in the past than they are now? If so, how?

How often did your extended family use to get together? What did you use to do together? Do you still get together as often now?

Did you use to have any bad habits?

Did you use to own any electronic devices in the past? Which ones?

Has anyone in your life changed their job? What did they use to do?

Where did you use to work or go to school?

When you were in school, what did you use to do during recess?

Did you use to participate in any school plays or other performances?

How was life different for people before the internet?

Have you changed your opinion about a band, musician, actor, athlete, or other celebrity over time?

Hint: I didn't used to like... / I used to like...

What kinds of trips did your school used to do? Where did you go?

What did you use to look forward to doing after school?

Picture Practice (Part 2)!

This is Jake. How has his life changed? For example, what sport did he use to play on weekends? Use "He used to," "He didn't use to," or "He never used to" to begin your answers. You can also practice asking questions, such as "Where did he use to work?"

How to use "used to" in real life.
How was his life different before?

When You Were Younger

Where did you use to go on vacation when you were younger?

Did you use to collect anything when you were younger?

Did you have a nickname when you were younger? What did people use to call you?

Did you have a curfew when you were younger? What did you use to have to be home?

What did you use to do with your money when you were younger?

When you were younger, did you use to think that adults had easy lives?

Were you responsible for any house chores when you were younger?

Hint: I used to be responsible for [chore name or verb+ing].

When you were younger, what did you use to do when you were bored?

Did you use to have a lot of free time when you were younger?

Did you use to sleep with a stuffed animal when you were younger?

What's a song that you used to sing or like a lot when you were younger?

Did your family use to go out to eat a lot when you were younger?

Did you use to have a favourite colour when you were younger? Do you have a favourite colour now?

Did you use to have any strange habits when you were younger? Why did you use to do them?

Did you like solving puzzles or playing other logic games when you were younger?

Did you use to play with your neighbours when you were younger?

When you were younger, what did you use to do when you wanted money?

The Big Finish!

What is something that you didn't use to know how to do in the past, but you know how to do now?

Describe your childhood home.

Hint: There used to be a/an... / We used to have... / I used to have...

Can you name a former world leader? Which country were they the leader of?

Hint: _____ used to be the [leader / president / prime minister] of _____.

How has technology changed? What did people use to do in the past that they don't do now because of technological advancements?

What is a dish that someone in your family always used to make?

Did you use to wear a uniform to school? If so, what colour was it?

What is something that you used to hate doing?

How often did you use to go to the library? Do you go there as much now?

What kinds of grades did you use to get in school?

What is a subject that you used to think was difficult?

Did you use to have a favourite teacher in school?

Did you use to get along with everyone in school?

What's a movie that you used to watch a lot?

Did your family use to have any special traditions that you don't follow anymore?

Was there a "favourite" in your family? Who was it?

Hint: My _____ used to be the favourite.

How did your mom or dad use to punish you if you didn't listen to them?

What's a subject that used to interest you?

Have you ever played any instruments in your life?

Hint: I used to play _____. / No, I've never played an instrument.

Did you use to have any hobbies that you don't have now?

What kinds of clubs or groups did you use to be a part of?

What is something impossible that you used to believe? For instance, did you used to believe in Santa Claus?

Do you celebrate Halloween? If so, what did you use to dress up as?

Did you ever use to play board games or card games with your friends or family? Which ones?

That's it! Did you like this resource? To support my work, and to continue improving your English vocabulary and speaking skills, pick up a copy of my book, 300 Practical English Words and Phrases, which includes more information on "used to," "be used to," "get used to," and many other useful English phrases.

Thank you and good luck with your studies!

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