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Say more than "good" and "bad": Using your senses to expand your vocabulary (VIDEO)

Writer: AlexAlex

It is perfectly normal to use the words "good" and "bad" to describe our experiences and our feelings. They are useful words when we want to give others a quick and general assessment of something. However, we all come to a point where we want to expand our vocabulary.

In my latest video, I look at one technique you can use to do this. This technique asks you to use your senses to give yourself and others a more precise sense of what you think about something. Take a look, and when you are finished, make sure to do the quiz on Also, leave a comment down below and tell me how this video made you feel, and what strategies you have used to increase your vocabulary.

Oh, and if you want a more expanded explanation of this video, check out the blog post that inspired it.

Until next time, I wish you success in your studies!

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