Recommended level: Pre-intermediate (A2)
Notes and instructions: Listen to the audio, or read an listen at the same time. It's up to you. Focus on comprehension, vocabulary, and structure. If you would also like to practice your speaking and pronunciation, you can listen to the audio and repeat after the narrator.
The main purpose of this text is to help you hear and see the present simple in action. Remember, the present simple is used to talk about things that usually happen or that are usually true. In this case, the present simple is used to discuss a routine.
Scroll to the bottom of the page for select vocabulary explanations, comprehension questions, and discussion questions.
English Listening Practice TRANSCRIPT: Dan's Morning Routine
Dan wakes up at 6:30 in the morning. Before he gets out of bed, he usually spends 10 to 15 minutes on his phone. On his phone, he checks his messages, reads the news, and plays his favourite game. He stays quiet so that he doesn't wake up his wife! When he is finished, he gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom. There, he uses the toilet, and washes his hands and face. Finally, he gets dressed, brushes his hair, and goes to the kitchen.
Dan loves to start his day with a coffee, so the first thing he does when he enters the kitchen is turn on the kettle. Then, he turns on the radio and prepares breakfast, not just for himself, but for his wife and daughter as well. Dan tries to prepare something a little different every day, but everyone in his family loves boiled eggs, so he makes them at least two times per week.
Once breakfast and Dan's coffee are ready, he leaves the kitchen to wake up his wife and daughter. Sometimes, they wake up by themselves, but usually, Dan has to go to their rooms to tell them that it's time to get up.
After he wakes up his wife and daughter, Dan returns to the kitchen to enjoy his breakfast while he reads a news article or listens to a podcast on his phone. Eventually, his family join him at the table, and they discuss their plans for the day.
After breakfast, Dan brushes his teeth, and he does some light exercise for two or three minutes in his bedroom. Dan tells himself, "It's better than nothing!" If he has time, Dan prepares a lunch for work. Finally, he hugs his wife and daughter, says, "I love you," and gets ready to leave the house so that he can catch the bus at 8 o'clock.

1. What does Dan do before he gets out of bed?
a) He exercises in bed.
b) He plays on his phone.
c) He turns on the radio.
2. True or false: Dan wakes up his wife after 10-15 minutes.
a) True.
b) False.
3. Where does Dan go after he gets out of bed?
a) He goes to the kitchen.
b) He goes to the bathroom.
c) He goes to the living room.
4. Why does Dan turn on the kettle?
a) To boil water for tea.
b) To boil water for coffee.
c) To boil water for soup.
5. True or false: Dan makes breakfast for his family.
a) True.
b) False.
6. True or false: Dan's wife likes boiled eggs.
a) True.
b) False.
7. Who or what usually wakes up Dan's wife and daughter?
a) Dan.
b) Their phones.
c) They wake up by themselves.
8. Dan does two or three minutes of exercise because, "It's better than _____."
a) not
b) nothing.
c) no thing.
9. Before Dan leaves his home, what does he give his wife and daughter?
a) Money for lunch.
b) A kiss.
c) A hug.
10. How does Dan get to work?
a) He walks.
b) He takes his car.
c) He takes the bus.
1. b
2. b
3. b
4. b
5. a
6. a
7. a
8. b
9. c
10. c
What time do you usually wake up during the week? What about other members of your family? (Example: "My mom usually wakes up at 8 o'clock. My sister usually wakes up at 6.")
Do you prefer to drink coffee, tea, water, or something else in the morning? What about other members of your family?
Do you eat breakfast? What do you usually have for breakfast? What about other members of your family?
What time do you start school or work in the morning? What about other members of your family?
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Note: "Dan's Morning Routine" is the work of Alex Makar and is subject to copyright.