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Business English Conversation Questions (50 Questions and Phrases)

Writer: AlexAlex

Updated: Feb 10

Business English discussion questions
50 Business English Conversation Questions

The following conversation questions use phrases from the Top 50 Essential Business English Phrases page. These resources are meant to complement each other, so please use both in your studies. To make things simpler for learners, I have provided sample answer beginnings for lessons 1 and 2 below. If you think of another way to use the desired phrases, please do. I hope you enjoy practicing and improving your English with these business English conversation questions.

Business English Conversation Questions Lesson 1: Phrases 1-8

Do you have to get in touch with anyone this week? (contact; communicate with; send a message and successfully connect with)

I have to get in touch with...

Who is someone you should reach out to? (send a message to; try to contact)

I should reach out to...

Are you waiting for anyone to get back to you about something? (reply; respond)

Yes, I'm waiting for _____ to get back to me.

No, I'm not waiting for anyone to get back to me, but I should get back to _____.

If you send a message to someone and they don't respond quickly, how long do you wait to follow up with them? (send another message)

I usually follow up with them...

How often do you touch base with your boss? (meet to discuss news and updates; have a quick meeting)

We touch base...

Do you have a project or task that is going as expected right now? Use "So far, so good" in your answer. (going as hoped for; until now, things are fine)

Right now, I'm working on _____, and it's going as expected. So far, so good.

Do you have any personal goals that you would like to get on track? (get started and start making progress in a consistent way)

I'd like to get my [health/sleep schedule/diet/motivation] on track.

Do you keep in touch with any former work colleagues? (stay in contact; continue to communicate with)

Yes, I keep in touch with...

No, I'm not in touch with any former work colleagues.

Business English Conversation Lesson 2: Phrases 9-16

Are you going to get together with anyone this week? (meet with)

I'm going to get together with...

What's on your plate for today? (Meaning, "What do you have to do today?")

I've got a lot on my plate. I have to...

I don't have too much on my plate. I just have to...

When was the last time you set up a meeting to discuss an increase in your salary? (organized; arranged; scheduled)

The last time I set up a meeting to discuss my salary was...

Do you usually send calendar invites when you plan to meet something? (send a digital invitation to confirm presence)

Is anyone waiting to hear back from you right now? (receive a response)

Yes, _____ is waiting to hear back from me.

Complete this sentence: Let me know... (tell me)

Let me know [when/how/if/who/what/where]...

Which programs or methods do you use to stay in loop about what's happening in your department? (stay updated)

I use _____ to stay in loop.

Complete this sentence: I'll keep you posted... (keep you informed; update you)

I'll keep you posted [about/by/regarding]...

Business English Conversation Lesson 3: Phrases 17-25

When was the last time you put off a meeting or appointment? (postponed; delayed)

How often do emergencies come up at your job? (happen; happen or appear unexpectedly)

How often do you call off meetings or appointments? When was the last time you did this? (cancel)

Finish these sentences:

  • "We pushed back the meeting because..." (postponed; delayed)

  • "Could we push up the meeting to...?" (advance; move to an earlier time)

At what time do you usually call it a day? (stop working)

What are subjects that you should never bring up in a meeting? (introduce into conversation)

Do you ever check in with your colleagues to talk about their tasks? (meet, usually briefly, for updates or to talk about what is happening)

What are some documents that every employee has to go over before they start working in your department? (review; read)

Business English Conversation Lesson 4: Phrases 26-34

Are you expected to come up with ideas and/or solutions to problems at your job? (produce; create; invent; make)

Complete this idea: "Our clients are not happy with our service. With that in mind,..." (considering what was just said; keeping the previous point in focus)

What do you bring to the table at your job? (contribute; offer)

Example: "I think I bring a lot to the table. First of all, I have a lot of experience."

How do you normally start off your day? What's the first thing you usually do? (start; begin)

Who do you usually talk to if you can't figure out a solution to a problem at work? (discover, solve, or understand)

Do you enjoying crunching numbers? (doing calculations and analyses with numbers)

Tell me about a time you had to go back to the drawing board. (return to the idea or planning stage of something because your current plan did not work)

Which websites do you use to find out about job opportunities in your region? How did you find out about the existence of your current job? (learn; discover)

Are you usually on top of your work, or does it sometimes become "too much"? (in control of; manage something well)

Business English Conversation Lesson 5: Phrases 35-42

How are your tasks or projects coming along this week? (progressing)

Is there a decision or an answer which is currently up in the air at your job? (undecided; uncertain)

How often do you have to wait and see regarding the results of a project or decision at work? (be patient; wait to see the results)

Do you usually bring your lunch to work, or do you pick it up from a restaurant? (get; acquire; purchase)

Does someone drop you off at work, or do you get to work by yourself? (transport and leave/deliver)

Do you know anyone who's always on the ball in your department? (focused; responsive; alert and competent; mentally present)

Do you ever have to ask for a hand at your job? If so, in what situations? Also, do you ever give other people a hand? (ask for help or give help)

Do you stop by anywhere on your way to work, or do you go straight to the [office/factory/job site]? What about on your way home? (make a quick visit or stop; for example, at a coffee shop)

Business English Conversation Lesson 6: Phrases 43-50

Complete this idea: "Before we wrap up the meeting,..." (conclude; bring to an end)

Are you almost out of anything at work (or at home if you can't think of anything at work)? (the state of having nothing of something because you have used all of it)

What is something that runs out quickly at your workplace (or at your home)? (is used until there is nothing remaining)

How often do you look into new job opportunities online or promotions at your current company? (investigate; explore)

Do you ever finish your tasks or projects at the last minute? (in the final moments; just before something is due)

Is it ever a good idea to fast-track someone for a promotion? (accelerate a process; expedite)

What are you looking forward to right now? (anticipating with pleasure)

What are some things that you should you keep in mind before you decide to accept or decline a job offer? (remember; be mindful of)


That's all! If you enjoyed these conversation questions, please consider supporting my work by purchasing one of my books. They are all available in PDF, e-book, and paperback formats. I wrote all of them with English learners (and teachers!) in mind. Thank you and good luck with your studies. Keep practicing!

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