
10 prepositional phrases you should know (at the same time, by accident, and more) (AUDIO included)
Recommended level: Intermediate Note: All of the phrases below are taken from 300 Practical English Words and Phrases. Prepositions are...
Sep 4, 20225 min read

4 common English phrases that use the word FOR (for sure, for the most part, and more!)
Learning common word combinations in an essential part of becoming confident and fluent in any language. By mastering the short phrases...
Aug 16, 20223 min read

3 quick and easy PUT phrasal verbs (put on, put up, put down) with practice questions and audio
Audio Phrasal verbs are an essential part of English vocabulary. It is almost impossible to listen to an English conversation and not...
Aug 11, 20223 min read

"On time" vs. "In time": What's the difference? (includes practice questions)
Do you always arrive on time for work, or do you sometimes arrive late? If you're in school, do you always arrive on time for class? What...
Jul 11, 20223 min read

20 redundant phrasal verbs (clean up, sit down, etc.)
Most phrasal verbs are idiomatic. However, there are many phrasal verbs whose meaning does not change regardless of their adverbial or...
Jun 3, 20225 min read

20 essential English questions
Questions are an essential part of communication. They help us to get important information from others, and they open the door to...
May 26, 20223 min read

3-Word Phrasal Verbs in English
Recommended level: Advanced Related resource: Video lesson and practice quiz Phrasal verbs are one of the most important parts of English...
May 20, 20224 min read

"In the end" vs. "At the end": What's the difference?
A single word can change the meaning and usage of a phrase. This is the case with "in the end" and "at the end." Let's look at the...
Mar 25, 20223 min read

Video: "My English isn't improving. What should I do?"
It's normal to feel stuck or unmotivated when you're learning a new skills sometimes. If you feel stuck or tired of studying, this video...
Sep 15, 20211 min read

Video: PHRASAL VERBS: 3 ways to use "give back" in English
In my latest video, I give you practical examples of a high-frequency phrasal verb. Practice sentences like "Give me back my phone," "I...
Jul 10, 20211 min read

Video: Let's go! Learn 25 common imperatives in English with "let's"
In my latest video, I give you language you can activate immediately. How many of these "Let's" imperatives do you know, and how many of...
Jun 15, 20211 min read

Avoid This Common Phrasal Verb Mistake!
Phrasal verbs are tough. Some are transitive, and some are intransitive. Some are separable, and some are inseparable. Some must be...
Jun 13, 20213 min read

Talking about Your Job in English
This post is meant to help you practice some common questions and statements related to your job. If you have any feedback about the...
Jun 10, 20212 min read

Unreal English Grammar: A Detailed Exploration of the Second Conditional
The second conditional is used to talk about hypothetical situations in the present and future. It is part of the unreal mood in English,...
Jun 7, 20216 min read

English Dialogues Ep.1: Dinner with Mel and Tina (audio included)
This dialogue series is intended to help students see English in context. While studying aspects of language individually is helpful, it...
Jun 3, 20216 min read

4 Ways to Use "SHOULD" in English
Most students know that should is used to give advice in English. However, that is not its only usage. In this article, we will look at...
May 31, 20213 min read

Practical English: 10 Everyday Phrasal Verbs
If you would like to learn more phrasal verbs, check out my first book, 100 Practical English Phrasal Verbs. It has 100 high-frequency...
May 26, 20213 min read

English Grammar: 6 Ways to Use the Present Continuous
Most English students know that the present continuous is used to talk about actions that are in progress at the moment of speaking, such...
May 18, 20215 min read

Video: Practice L & R Pronunciation in English with a Song
In my latest video, I sing a popular children's song to practice L & R pronunciation. Children's shows, movies, and songs are a great way...
May 16, 20211 min read

When I Was a Kid: A Story to Practice Gerunds and Infinitives
This is a true story about me. I have highlighted the gerunds and infinitives so you can see how they are used in context. Make sure to...
May 14, 20213 min read