
English Verbs List (100 common verbs, conjugations, and examples)
This is a list of 100 common English verbs. It includes conjugations, as well as examples to help you see the verbs in context. You can...
Feb 20, 20235 min read

Present Continuous Conversation Questions (100+ questions; includes pictures)
This page is intended to be a resource for English learners and teachers. You can practice answering these present continuous (also known...
Dec 31, 20225 min read

Talking about grocery shopping in English (AUDIO reading, dialogue, and practice questions included)
Recommended level: Beginner / Low intermediate How often do you go grocery shopping? What do you usually buy? How much money do you...
Dec 23, 20223 min read

100+ Collocations with the Word "GO" ("go home," "go on vacation," "go to the park," and many more!)
"Go" is a simple word with some tricky usages. For instance, why do people go to someone's house, but when they're done visiting, they go...
Oct 28, 20225 min read

engVid: 10 ways to say "THANK YOU" in English (with even MORE EXAMPLES!)
When someone gives you something or does something nice for you, it is polite to say "Thank you." We show gratitude because people do not...
Sep 27, 20222 min read

"How about" vs. "What about": How and when to use them (Audio, pictures, and practice included)
Recommended level: Upper intermediate Much of the information in this post is paraphrased from 300 Practical English Words and Phrases....
Sep 19, 20228 min read

How to use "THOUGH" in English conversation (practice questions and AUDIO reading included)
Recommended level: Upper intermediate You have probably heard the word "though" in English shows and movies. It is a common contrast word...
Sep 13, 20226 min read

How to Use "Anyway" in English Conversation (Audio Reading and Practice Questions Included)
Recommended level: Upper intermediate Quick reference "Anyway" has four main functions: Changing the focus or topic of a conversation...
Sep 7, 20226 min read

10 prepositional phrases you should know (at the same time, by accident, and more) (AUDIO included)
Recommended level: Intermediate Note: All of the phrases below are taken from 300 Practical English Words and Phrases. Prepositions are...
Sep 4, 20225 min read

The difference between "used to," "be used to," and "get used to" (English grammar and vocabulary)
Recommended level: Upper intermediate. Watch the video related to this resource, and do the quiz to test your understanding. QUICK...
Aug 23, 20227 min read

5 Idioms to Give Advice
We could all use a little advice sometimes. If you would like to help your friends, or if you would like to increase your understanding...
Nov 26, 20212 min read

English Dialogues Ep.2: Ryan's Cab Ride (audio included)
This dialogue series is intended to help students see English in context. While studying aspects of language individually is helpful, it...
Jun 21, 20219 min read

Avoid This Common Phrasal Verb Mistake!
Phrasal verbs are tough. Some are transitive, and some are intransitive. Some are separable, and some are inseparable. Some must be...
Jun 13, 20213 min read

Talking about Your Job in English
This post is meant to help you practice some common questions and statements related to your job. If you have any feedback about the...
Jun 10, 20212 min read

English Dialogues Ep.1: Dinner with Mel and Tina (audio included)
This dialogue series is intended to help students see English in context. While studying aspects of language individually is helpful, it...
Jun 3, 20216 min read

Practical English: 10 Everyday Phrasal Verbs
If you would like to learn more phrasal verbs, check out my first book, 100 Practical English Phrasal Verbs. It has 100 high-frequency...
May 26, 20213 min read

3 Common RELATIONSHIP Idioms (with practice exercises!)
Has someone ever given you the cold shoulder? This means to intentionally ignore you or to make a show of appearing uninterested in you....
May 23, 20212 min read

"That's sus": What it Means and What Made it Popular
Despite what stubborn grammar teachers might say, language is democratic. New words and phrases are invented and adopted into standard...
May 10, 20213 min read

Quick English Idioms: "Up to" and "Up for" something
You just arrived at work, and you see one of your colleagues sitting at their desk. They look very focused, and you want to ask them what...
May 7, 20212 min read

3 Common Idioms to Encourage Others (with practice questions!)
Disclaimer: This post is about encouraging people, but it is important to remember that sometimes words are not enough. If you find it...
May 1, 20212 min read