
35 English words that are shortened in conversation (video included)
Many English words are shortened in conversation, especially in casual settings. This list is intended to help you understand and use...
Jun 8, 20223 min read

Say more than "good" and "bad": Using your senses to expand your vocabulary (VIDEO)
It is perfectly normal to use the words "good" and "bad" to describe our experiences and our feelings. They are useful words when we want...
May 27, 20221 min read

20 essential English questions
Questions are an essential part of communication. They help us to get important information from others, and they open the door to...
May 26, 20223 min read

Learn 10 "up" phrasal verbs (with practice questions)
Related video: Are you ready to explore and increase your English vocabulary? Make sure to...
May 23, 20224 min read

200 Practical English Idioms now available in eBook format!
I am happy to announce that 200 Practical English Idioms is finally available in eBook format on Amazon. If you have been waiting to add...
Mar 28, 20221 min read

Video: 10 KEEP imperatives for daily life
Memorizing short, set phrases is one of the best ways to grow your vocabulary and your language toolbox when studying a second language....
Feb 22, 20221 min read

5 Videos to Help You Learn Phrasal Verbs (from beginner to advanced)
There are so many phrasal verbs that sometimes it's difficult to know where and how to start learning them. To help with this problem,...
Jan 24, 20221 min read

Video: 30 Common Commands
Improve your English immediately and easily with this video. Learn these 30 short, very common imperatives (commands). Whether you’re at...
Oct 12, 20211 min read

Video: PHRASAL VERBS: 3 ways to use "give back" in English
In my latest video, I give you practical examples of a high-frequency phrasal verb. Practice sentences like "Give me back my phone," "I...
Jul 10, 20211 min read

Quick English Idioms: "Up to" and "Up for" something
You just arrived at work, and you see one of your colleagues sitting at their desk. They look very focused, and you want to ask them what...
May 7, 20212 min read

5 Phrases to Help End a Conversation
So you're at a party and you've been talking to someone for awhile. You don't know them that well, and they seem interested in what you...
Apr 23, 20212 min read